Tuesday, June Fourth, Two-Thousand-Thirteen. (From the Future)
Catching speed, and building momentum. Looked at a house today. The Realtor described it as "old" multiple times. Didn't seem that old to me. But I supposed old describes what is unseen just as much as the obvious. Other options are swift approaching this afternoon. What transpires is fast knowledge for future-self, but shadowed and cloudy for the moment. I breath, and sip my flat-white (espresso and hot milk). These moments are what travel is about. The new coupled with familiar are the combination that drives my inspiration. Lack of utter comfort have given my mind the necessary twinge of inspiration to kick myself enough to sit down and write words. Feels good to get past the first sentence finally. But whatever this is, or will be, is not just for my own personal benefit, but for yours as well. My mother puts it succinctly. "I'm living vicariously through you." So at the very least, I do this for her, because I know she'll follow religiously. For everyone else, my hope is that you'll glean moments of insite, humour, inspiration, and horror. Tales will be embellished, as all great ones are, but truth will always be the underlying root.
Jindabyne is a tiny town that sleeps most of the year, but as cold winds approach, so do the masses. The bustle has picked up significantly since my arrival three days ago. And chats with locals only confirm that it'll get more hectic. I anticipate snowboarding most of all, but new friends and strengthening community ties come a close second.
Last night, skies were clear and crisp, and the stars made their presence known. Speaking in their distinctive twinkle. Photographs were taken, and I'll share as soon as I can. My first language is visual, framed and sharp, and second, is English, my intentions are to couple the two.
All I can, is all I am up to this present. We can't learn without failing. So fail hard. I believe communication is master key, and assumption is disease. Hypocrisy is each our own personal battle, and don't try to say it doesn't reside somewhere deep inside. When I examine it in myself, I see it's a burly brick wall thats too big to climb and too wide to navigate around, which holds me back from doing things that I've always desired to do. Well fuck that. Choices are being made to change, and that's always a viable option. I've already made it this far haven't I? Expectations. What are yours? What are mine? Elaboration will come with time.
As I re-read what I've written I second guess myself. The urge to delete, wipe clean and walk away is strong. But this time I won't, because even if this is discombobulated, scattered, and unfocused, it's not going to get better if I delete it.
This is great Kevin and so well written! And I will follow it!